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Posted: Avtosport.ru On: 26.06.2017
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In Hertfordshire, Jack has responsibilities: For years, he has also pretended to have an irresponsible black-sheep brother named Ernest who leads a scandalous life in pursuit of pleasure and is always getting into trouble of a sort that requires Jack to rush grimly off to his assistance. No one but Jack knows that he himself is Ernest. Ernest is the name Jack goes by in London, which is where he really goes on these occasions—probably to pursue the very sort of behavior he pretends to disapprove of in his imaginary brother.

Jack is in love with Gwendolen Fairfaxthe cousin of his best friend, Algernon Moncrieff. At the beginning of Act I, Jack drops in unexpectedly on Algernon and announces that he intends to propose to Gwendolen. Jack also tells Algernon about his fictional brother.

Gwendolen and her mother, Lady Bracknell, arrive, which gives Jack an opportunity to propose to Gwendolen. Lady Bracknell interviews Jack to determine his eligibility as a possible son-in-law, and during this interview she asks about his family background.

When Jack explains that he has no idea who his parents were and that he was found, by the man who adopted him, in a handbag in the cloakroom at Victoria Station, Lady Bracknell is scandalized. She forbids the match between Jack and Gwendolen and sweeps out of the house. Meanwhile, Jack, having decided that Ernest has outlived his usefulness, arrives home in deep mourning, full of a story about Ernest having died suddenly in Paris.

He is enraged to find Algernon there masquerading as Ernest but has to go along with the charade. While Jack changes out of his mourning clothes, Algernon, who has fallen hopelessly in love with Cecily, asks her to marry him. Algernon goes off in search of Dr. Chasuble, the local rector, to see about getting himself christened Ernest.

Meanwhile, Gwendolen arrives, having decided to pay Jack an unexpected visit. Gwendolen is shown into the garden, where Cecily orders tea and attempts to play hostess. Gwendolen points out that this is impossible as she herself is engaged to Ernest Worthing. The tea party degenerates into a war of manners. Jack and Algernon arrive toward the climax of this confrontation, each having separately made arrangements with Dr. Chasuble to be christened Ernest later that day.

Each of the young ladies points out that the other has been deceived: Jack is forced to admit that he has no brother and that Ernest is a complete fiction. Both women are shocked and furious, and they retire to the house arm in arm. Act III takes place in the drawing room of the Manor House, where Cecily and Gwendolen have retired.

When Jack and Algernon enter from the garden, the two women confront them. Algernon tells her he did it in order to meet her.

Gwendolen asks Jack whether he pretended to have a brother in order to come into London to see her as often as possible, and she interprets his evasive reply as an affirmation. The women are somewhat appeased but still concerned over the input jquery value default of the name.

SparkNotes: The Importance of Being Earnest: Plot Overview

However, when Jack and Algernon vps forex gratis selamanya Gwendolen and Cecily that they have both made arrangements to be christened Ernest that afternoon, all is forgiven and the two pairs of lovers embrace.

She demands to know what is going on. Gwendolen again informs Lady Bracknell of her engagement to Jack, and Lady Bracknell reiterates that a union between them is out of the question. Algernon tells Lady Bracknell of his engagement to Cecily, prompting earnest money returned to inspect Cecily and inquire into her social connections, which she does in a routine and patronizing manner that infuriates Jack.

He replies to all her questions with a mixture of civility and sarcasm, withholding until the last possible moment the information that Cecily is actually worth a great deal of money and stands to inherit still rating robot for binary options when she comes of age.

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At this, Lady Bracknell becomes genuinely interested. Lady Bracknell asks Jack to reconsider, and he points out that the matter is entirely in her own hands. As soon as she consents to his marriage to Gwendolen, Cecily can have his consent to marry Algernon.

However, Lady Bracknell refuses to entertain the notion. She and Gwendolen are on the point of leaving when Dr.

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At this, Lady Bracknell starts and asks that Miss Prism be sent for. When the governess arrives and catches sight of Lady Bracknell, she begins to look guilty and furtive. She demands to know where the baby is. Jack asks what happened to the bag, and Miss Prism says she left it in the cloakroom of a railway station. Jack presses her for further details and goes racing offstage, returning a few moments later with a large handbag. Ernest is his name, as is Jack, and he does have an unprincipled younger brother—Algernon.

Again the couples embrace, Miss Prism and Dr. Read the full answer at http: Earnest is also a satire because it makes fun of its characters — most of whom are members of the aristocratic class. Think about how proud Lady Bracknell is, Want our help with your assigned summer reading?

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Search Menu jQuery document. Other Subjects Biology Biography Chemistry Computer Science Drama Economics Film History Literature Math Philosophy Physics Poetry Psychology Sociology U. The Importance of Being Earnest Oscar Wilde. Contents Context Plot Overview Character List Analysis of Major Characters Jack Worthing Algernon Moncrieff Gwendolen Fairfax Cecily Cardew.

Summary and Analysis Act I, Part One Act I, Part Two Act II, Part One Act II, Part Two Act III, Part One Act III, Part Two. Share this Sparknote Share on Twitter. Take a quiz on this section! More Help Read the original Buy the ebook of this SparkNote on BN. Writer by Aoife96October 30, Help!!!

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His humor in The Importance of Being Earnest relies on creating absurd situations and characters whose lack of insight causes them to respond to these situations in inappropriate ways.

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