Seasonality in southeast asian stock markets

Seasonality in southeast asian stock markets

Posted: wolfEg On: 17.06.2017

This service is more advanced with JavaScript available, learn more at http: Asia Pacific Journal of Management. We use daily returns to identify seasonality on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange KLSE , The Stock Exchange, Bombay SEB , the Stock Exchange of Singapore SES and The Stock Exchange of Thailand SET.

On all four, we find strong day-of-the-week effects.

Month-of-the-year effects exist on the KLSE and the SES but not on the SET or the BSE. Strong Chinese New Year effects are evident on the SES and the KLSE. The Chinese New Year effect on the SET is among small capitalization stocks. On the KLSE, we also find Islamic New Year and Vesak effects, but no Aidilfitri effect.

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Only weak holiday effects concerning several Indian lunar holidays are evident on the BSE. In general we find that cultural holidays evidence a stronger effect than state holidays. These results confirm the importance of cultural influences in the pricing of stocks.

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Chan is Professor of Finance and Business Economics at McMaster University, Canada, Anya Khanthavit Associate Professor of Finance, Thammasat University, Thailand and Hugh Thomas Assistant Professor of Finance, McMaster University, Canada. The authors would like to thank the Association of Deans of Southeast Asian Graduate Schools of Management for the financial support that enabled this research to be undertaken and an anonymous referee for his many insightful and constructive suggestions.

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Please direct all correspondence to Hugh Thomas, School of Business, McMaster University, Main Street West, Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 4M4, Canada, tel: Part of Springer Nature. Not logged in Not affiliated Seasonality and cultural influences on four Asian stock markets. Authors Authors and affiliations M. Cite this article as: Asia Pacific J Manage Agrawal, A and Tandon, K, , Anomalies or illusions? Evidence from stock markets in eighteen countries, Journal of International Money and Finance , 14, 83— Ariel, R A, , High stock returns before holidays: Existence and evidence on possible causes, The Journal of Finance , 45, — Bailey, Warren and Jagtiani, Julapa, , Foreign ownership restrictions and stock prices in the Thai capital market, Journal of Financial Economics , 36, 57— Berges, Angel, McConnell, John J and Schlarbaum, Gary, , The-turn-of-the-year in Canada, The Journal of Finance , 39, — Branch, B, , A tax selling loss trading rule, Journal of Business , 50, — Cadsby, C B and Ratner, M, , Turn-of-month and pre-holiday effects in stock returns, Journal of Banking and Finance , 16, — Fields, M J, , Stock prices: A problem in verification, Journal of Business , 4, — Fields, M J, , Security prices and stock exchange holidays in relation to short selling, Journal of Business , 7, — French, K, , Stock returns and the weekend effect, Journal of Financial Economics , 8, 55— Gultekin, M N and Gultekin, N B, , Stock market seasonality: International evidence, Journal of Financial Economics , 12, — Jaffe, Jeffrey and Westerland, Randolph, , Patterns in Japanese common stock returns: Day-of-the-week and turn of the year effects, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis , 20, — Jegadeesh, Narasimhan, , Seasonality in stock market price reversion: Evidence from the US and the UK, The Journal of Finance , 46, — Kato, K and Schallheim, James S, , Seasonal and size anomalies in the Japanese stock market, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis , 20, — Keim, D B, , Size related anomalies and stock market seasonality: Further empirical evidence, Journal of Financial Economics , 12, 13— Keim, D B and Smirlock, Michael, , The behaviour of intraday stock index futures, Prices Advances in Operations Research , 2, — Kelly, A, Dresser, P and Ross, Linda, , Religious Holidays and Calendars: An encyclopedic handbook , Detroit, Omnigraphics.

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