The joptionpane showinputdialog example

The joptionpane showinputdialog example

Posted: Buryat On: 21.07.2017

JOptionpane with an example: Hmm it has been a little while but from what I remember If you want a custom window you can just make a new frame and make it show up just like you would with the main window. Java also has a great dialog library that you can check out here:. How to Make Dialogs. If you do not care to limit the user's choices, you can either use a form of the showInputDialog method that takes fewer arguments or specify null for the array of objects.

In the Java look and feel, substituting null for possibilities results in a dialog that has a text field and looks like this:. JOptionPane is your friend: Check out Swing Dialogs mainly focused on JOptionPaneas mentioned by mcfinnigan.

SWING JOptionPane Class

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Java For Complete Beginners - option panes

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JOptionPane showInputDialog examples |

Hello guys I am currently developing java application I want to show new Window that contains a text area and a button are there any idea? Carlo 3 7 Please mark an answer so this question is resolved.

Evorlor 2, 8 30 COD3BOY 9, 1 26 Java also has a great dialog library that you can check out here: How to Make Dialogs That may be able to give you the functionality you are looking for with a whole lot less effort. In the Java look and feel, substituting null for possibilities results in a dialog that has a text field and looks like this: Prediluted 2 I think I wanna do the new Frame can u Show me how to do it thx btw?

The example I put above is about as clear and concise as I can get for showing you how to do it. If you want to customize it beyond the example take a look at the Java Docs. Try Using JOptionPane or Swt Shell.

the joptionpane showinputdialog example

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