Mock stock exchange india

Mock stock exchange india

Posted: AKB On: 18.06.2017

NATIONAL STOCK EXCHANGE OF INDIA. Mock trading in CDS on Saturday, August 22, Mock trading in Interest Rate Futures.

mock stock exchange india

The Exchange will be conducting a mock trading session in the Currency Derivatives Segment on Saturday, August 22as per the following schedule: Normal Market close time. Live Re-login start time.

NSE - National Stock Exchange of India Ltd.

Live Re-login close time. The following operational instructions are annexed herewith: Important information about Interest Rate Futures contracts.

Members may kindly note that live trading in Interest Rate Futures will not be available from Monday August 24, For any clarifications, mock stock exchange india are advised to contact the following officials:.

mock stock exchange india

Vikas Mishra on or Mr. Arvind Goyal on National Stock Exchange of India Ltd.


Important Instructions regarding mock trading. Brief information about Interest Rate Futures and how to trade in them elmore james shake your money maker mock.

mock stock exchange india

For the mock stock exchange india trading session, four interest rate futures contracts with quarterly expiries shall be available for trading as follows: Most Important instruction 1: Most important instruction 2: On Monday August 24,Members are advised to re-install the NEAT-CDS Version 1.

Important instructions regarding mock trading session Annexure 2: For any clarifications, members are advised to contact the following officials: For and on behalf of National Stock Exchange of India Ltd.

Indian Stock Market Basics For Beginners -

Members are also requested not to transfer any data files for this mock trading session.

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