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Use what in a sentence. An example of what used as an adjective is in the sentence, "What shirt do you want? An example of what used as an adverb is in the sentence, "What does it mean?

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An example of what used as an interjection is "What! You aren't going with me? An example of what used as a noun is in the sentence, "We need to figure out the what of the project," which means that we need to figure out the core parts of the project. An example of what used as a pronoun is in the sentence, "What is the cost of that shirt? When what is the subject of a clause, it takes a singular verb if the word or phrase that completes the sentence the complement is singular, as in I see what seems to be a dead tree.

It is plural if a plural noun or noun phrase completes the sentence, as in He sometimes makes what seem to be gestures of reconciliation. When the what in the what -clause is the object of the verb and the complement of the main clause is singular, the main verb is always singular: What they wanted was a home of their own; when the complement of the main sentence is plural, the verb is most often plural: What American education needs are smaller classes, though one also encounters sentences such as What the candidate gave the audience was the same old empty promises.

When what is the subject of a what -clause that is the subject of a main clause, there is greater variation in usage.

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When the verb of the what -clause and the complement of the main clause are both plural or both singular, stock options trade alerts number of the verb of the main clause generally agrees with them. When the verb in the what -clause is singular and the complement in the main clause is plural, one finds both singular and plural verbs being used.

Sentences similar to both of the following are make money with adwords and clickbank in audiology jobs from home writers: What drives me crazy is her frequent tantrums; What bothers him are the discrepancies in their accounts.

When the complement of the main clause consists of two or more nouns, the verb of the main clause is generally singular if the nouns are singular and plural if they are plural: What pleases the voters is his honesty and his willingness to take on difficult issues; On entering the harbor what first meet the eye are luxurious yachts and colorful villas.

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Occasionally the choice of a singular or plural verb may be used to convey a difference in meaning. In the sentence What excite him most are money and power, the implication is that money and power are separable what's better to make money bank cd or mutual fund in What excites him most is money and power, the implication is that money and power are inextricably bound together.

See Usage Note at which.

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I'll tell you what! Informal an exclamatory remark of surprise, resignation, etc.

What | Definition of What by Merriam-Webster

Which thing or which particular one of many: What are you having for dinner? What did she say? Which kind, character, or designation: What are these objects? One of how much value or significance: What are possessions to a dying man? That which; the thing that: Listen to what I tell you. Pronoun interrogative Which thing, event, circumstance, etc.: UK, colloquial An interrogative which asks "Don't you agree?

Adverb not comparable In some manner or degree; in part; partly; usually followed by with. What with singing and joking, the time passed quickly. Such; this is; that is. What a beautiful day! John Milton But what do I stand reckoning upon advantages and gains lost by the misrule and turbulency of the prelates? Interjection An expression of surprise or disbelief. UK, colloquial, dated Is that not true?

It's a nice day, what? Determiner Which; which kind of.

What - definition of what by The Free Dictionary

What shirt are you going to wear? What time is it? What kind of car is that? How much; how great used in an exclamation. What talent he has! Noun uncountable obsolete something ; thing ; stuff. Anagrams hawtthawwath.

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